A summer carriage... in winter!

Whilst perusing a well known auction site, the other day, I noticed that someone was selling a kit for an open toastrack style carriage which looked a little like one of the carriages that is used on the Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway. The only issue I had was that it looked like it could be out of scale for the rest of the fleet but I took the plunge anyway.

The outer structure of the carriage during construction.

Upon it's arrival I was fascinated by how simplistic it was to build. I estimate that it took me about an hour or so to build the outer structure and a further two hours to basecoat it ready for final painting. 

The end result was that I now have an open carriage that I can substitute on trains in the summer months. A member of the 009 group has suggested that I name this carriage "Dennis" after the storm that was raging whilst it was being built. I will get hold of some passengers for it in the distant future; for now my focus needs to revert back to the scenery of the layout... Wish me luck.

Dennis being hauled with 2070 by Glyn.


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