So here is my first foray into the world of narrow gauge modelling. I have owned two model railways in my life. The first being a Thomas the Tank Engine train set on a baseboard with some cardboard and plastic buildings. It was special to me because it was a Christmas present and it was a barrel of laughs to play with. My Dad helped me with the construction and my Grandad would show me how to operate it. Happy memories.

The second was an old N-gauge layout that was my Grandads. He passed it on to me for my 16th birthday and while it was a more serious piece of work for me to look after I had to put it to one side whilst the call of university beckoned me. No room for model railways in student digs.

Fast forward ten years and I'm now happily married in my own house and lots of spare time. What an excellent opportunity to start a new project.

I decided on Narrow gauge for three reasons.

1st Narrow gauge modelling consists of lots of scratch and kit building which I love

2nd me and my wife have a special connection with Wales and every holiday I would be allowed to take her on a steam train and I loved the character of all the railways I travelled on.

3rd the name Bron Effans is in reference to my wife's late grandfather, who was Welsh and has a similar love of railways to me. It seemed fitting to give him a place of reference on my layout.

Anyway that's post number one. More to come later on tonight whilst I collect my thoughts on what to post next.

Please feel free to follow me on Twitter @BronEffans


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