What a week!

 I have finally started my summer break from work. The warm weather has meant that going outside isn't perhaps the wisest choice so I have retreated to the cool of the man cave to build on Bron Effans.
There has been a lot of progress this week and I am going to break it into four sections.

The railway

I have finally completed the track work for the layout. I have changed the plan slightly to give myself two sidings at the station. One at the extreme end of the station for rolling stock storage and another at the entrance to the station for Locomotive storage. I have yet to work on the conductivity of this section as I have found that there are a few hiccups with the first siding. I am going to try Electrical paint on the joints between all pieces of track to try and encourage efficient running. 

The station and fiddle yard are now complete. I am, at some point, going to build a traverser for the fiddle yard. I just want to get the visuals of the layout sorted as soon as possible.


I have build the two platforms for Effans Uchaf and also procured a station building from Norfolk Heath Works. It is a Corris Railway style station, similar to Escaigeliog Station. As it is a country terminus, I don't want to crowd the layout with too many buildings.

Rolling Stock

As I mentioned yesterday, I have procured two Vale of Rheidol Railway carriages. I have constructed them and started to paint one of them. I am not very happy with the green at the minute, but another coat should remedy the issues I am having with it. I have also bought a ready to run guards van from Alton Model Centre as a memento of a lovely trip and also to add to the rear of one of the carriage sets. I have also got hold of a Vale of Rheidol van from Dundas which will be joined with the main VoR set of carriages and will share the similar green livery as the carriages so that it fits in with the stock.

Dundas Vale of Rheidol Guards Van

The newly constructed "VoR set"

The second set of carriages. Note the RTR Peco Guards van


I have built the secondary baseboard to raise the profile of the layout and give it some height. I've used filler and papier mache to create the hills and rocky outcrops that will form the water feature. I was intending on using a bridge in the middle of the layout but the kit was far too large. I am planning to re-purpose it as part of the entrance to the fiddle yard.


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