My biggest update so far...
So I haven't made the greatest amount of progress until now. This weekend I had the opportunity to visit the famous 'Hattons' near Liverpool. I had initially gone in with a list of things I would want to purchase, and ended up with quite a good deal more than I had bargained for. However, all of this is for the best as there has been quite a shift in terms of the whole project taking shape.
I have finally secured some 009 gauge track for the layout. This is quite a coup for me, as I had experienced a bitter defeat with the old N gauge track that I had used on my old layout. The Peco track really is something to behold. I hadn't realised how good it could potentially look on the railway, but I am a convert. So far there is about a full metre of 009 gauge track on the layout. I am going to bite the bullet and get the mainline points as a Manning Wardle is just too gorgeous to pass up.
Rolling stock
The rolling stock side of the layout is where I am making the most progress. Thanks to the advice of Bron Hebog and the supply of couplers from Bargain Model Railways, I am now able to couple the Fletcher Jennings locomotive at the front and rear. I have already broken one of these couplers, so it remains to be seen how effective my bodge ahem.... adaptation really was. I have now successfully fitted couplers to every piece of rolling stock in the fleet.
I have also been on a bit of a spending spree with regards to the rolling stock on the line. I have purchased two carriages from Budget model railways. They are really simple kits. I think it took me about half an hour to assemble both coaches. As 3D models go, they are pretty robust. I have only had to remedy some minor warping to the roof of one of the carriages. This now means that the line can now haul two 2 carriage sets. once the run around loop is constructed.
The other side of the coin is that I have also secured three second hand Lynton and Barnstaple style carriages second hand. They have yet to arrive at my door, but I have it on good authority that they will be in need of some minor repair work to the bogies. I am also considering a repaint as well, but that has yet to be decided.
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