
I have opted to signal my layout in a similar style to that of the WHR with the ladybird style signal boards. I am not going to add movement or lighting as the signal is intended more as a sort of warning board, than an actual signal. I have used components from an ARB ModelCraft Ffestiniog Railway Disc signal kit. These are intended to move once a train has passed. I decided that I would have it as a static signal. This is mostly because my layout will be operated on a one engine in steam principle so I don't need an excessive amount of signalling. I have made provision for two train working by using this board as a warning measure to not proceed unless the road to the platform is clear. I do need to get a point indicator signal in the future, like there are on the WHR, but that is something I need to educate myself on. 

I used the cast base and the pole to assemble the signal and glued the disc onto a piece of wire at the top with an endcap to make it look more presentable.

I have sprayed it with primer and will set about painting it once this warm weather dissipates. I will be painting it white with the disc being a solid red. It is only a scenery piece but it adds an extra element of "Railway functionality" to the layout. 


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