2080 Interior
I have finally got round to constructing interiors for the 3 Liliput carriages that I bought last year. I wanted to fit them out in a similar manner to those that operate on the Welsh Highland Railway. They are set out in a 2 + 1 formation with two seats on one side and 1 single seat on the other. In Ffestiniog and WHR parlance this is known as the clock side. I had originally aimed to build the interior for the pullman carriage today, however I was unsure how to build high backed chairs that are on the WHR. I took the decision to fit out the "Brake" coach for this rake and set about the process of building the interior with the plasticard. I cut three identical flooers for the three coaches and went from there.
The basic interior was driven by the need to have a toilet cubicle at the rear end of the carriage as it travels up the line. I started with that as my basis and then worked from there to try and keep the seats the same size and level.
I then added small strips to form the seats. I was not too fussed about them looking perfect as they will eventually have passengers on that can be used to disguise my clumsiness. I used a spare sleeper on it's edge as the gauge for my height.
As this was going to be the Brake car in the formation I added a handbrake wheel in a similar fashion to those on the WHR. This was done by leaving a larger vestibule at the top end of the carriage and a seat for the guard or a passenger accompanying someone in a wheelchair. I say this is part of the design and that is the line that I am sticking to.
I was in two minds about whether to use tables or not, but a quick scan of some photos online very quickly changed my mind.
Anyway here is the finished construction. I know there are a few issues with the tables not looking regular but for a first scratchbuild I am very happy with it. I plan to start painting the interior this week. I have ordered some cast seats for the Pullman carriage as I feel that they will be more appropriate for the luxury carriage on the line.
The basic interior was driven by the need to have a toilet cubicle at the rear end of the carriage as it travels up the line. I started with that as my basis and then worked from there to try and keep the seats the same size and level.
I then added small strips to form the seats. I was not too fussed about them looking perfect as they will eventually have passengers on that can be used to disguise my clumsiness. I used a spare sleeper on it's edge as the gauge for my height.
I was in two minds about whether to use tables or not, but a quick scan of some photos online very quickly changed my mind.
Anyway here is the finished construction. I know there are a few issues with the tables not looking regular but for a first scratchbuild I am very happy with it. I plan to start painting the interior this week. I have ordered some cast seats for the Pullman carriage as I feel that they will be more appropriate for the luxury carriage on the line.
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