The Bug in the System

As you may know, I acquired four GEM kits for bug box style carriages that I was going to turn into my own rendition of the FR Heritage set. Thus far, I have built one of the bugboxes the earlier version. It was quite a fiddly kit requiring me to pare off the spike on the end of the wheelset so that it could fit on the bottom frame of the carriage.  Another interesting feature was the need to attach a small fabric washer to each axle to prevent the whole carriage acting like a lightning rod and causing a short on the circuit. Hindsight is wonderful and I wish I had taken some photos of that part of the process to show to you. Here are some pictures of the carriage in it's green basecoat and with the first layer of indian red. 

Here is is coupled with the first of my bugboxes and the peco guards van.

Showing off the green basecoat.

Showing off the first layer of the Indian Red livery.
Just as a final thought, for this blog, on the subject of undercoating. I have had some people asking why I choose random colours for my undercoats. The answer is simple. I dont tend to choose the colour; I just use what I have lying around. I have found that Games-workshop Acrylic paints have a base coat range, which acts as an excellent primer for my models. Im not fussed what colour I use as long as I have a suitable basecoat for them.


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